Application for Eurasier Ownership

Sundog Eurasiers Application for Eurasier Ownership - fill out this form and submit it to us. We will contact you with our conclusion.

Thank you for your interest in our Eurasiers. We would appreciate it if you take some time to answer the following questions. Our commitment is to find homes for our Eurasiers where they will be treated as family members. That is what the temperament of the breed requires, and that is the tradition of Eurasier ownership. Your responses will help us select the dog that’s best for you and your family. Please answer all questions honestly. All questions MUST be answered before your application will be considered.

Basic Information



Work Situation



Dog Experience





Why a Eurasier?











Given the following situations, what will happen with your Eurasier?


We are always looking for local people who will keep an intact Eurasier. If you are interested in having a litter with us, or owning a male Eurasier that may be used for stud, we would be very interested in talking more with you about this. We tend to prioritize those who will help in keeping the Eurasier breed viable. Please note: prior to any breeding, full sets of health checks must be done with good and normal results.


Miscellaneous Information






Condition of Sale

If for any reason your family can no longer keep your Eurasier, one condition of sale is that you must first contact the breeder to discuss options to find a new home for the Eurasier, and the breeder must be given the option of taking the Eurasier back. We are happy to work with you if you have a home, but do not want the Eurasier to be placed in a shelter - ever.


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